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Andrea Marie Media is a Blog-style Portfolio I created to showcase some of my digital works. Here you will find Photography, and Custom Graphics like Logos, Save-the-Dates, Invitations, Post Cards and more.  I've been interested in art from as far back as I can remember, and have been creating media for myself, friends and family for years. Somewhere along the way it has become a true passion and I love it!

My educational background is in Sports & Recreation Management, with degrees from Herkimer and Cortland State. However, now that I've turned 30 I realized that my professional interests have completely shifted from sports to digital media. Although, I still adore SU sports, The Olympics, driveway basketball and Sunday Football!

I would love to help people who need unique and thoughtful creations for any occasion. Whether you are interested in a casual couple or family photo shoot, personalized Holiday cards, need a  logo, or would like help setting up a social media  page, I can help.  Contact me and let's chat!

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